Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 3

Just let my mother in law take Zoey for a bit because I need to go sit in line to set up payment for my paternity leave.

What a weird feeling. I strapped her into the backseat and felt for a second like I was just abandoning her. My logical side took over and sorted me out, I obviously need to get this paperwork done so we can get paid... but, strange... a sign of fatherhood I guess...

Time to go stand in line in the government offices while I imagine a million different scenarios preventing me from seeing Zoey again.

Day 2 and some of this morning

Day 2 wasn't too much different than the first day, in fact, it was very similar. The same problems and the same successes. But in that repetitiveness and inability to get any of my own work done, it dawned on me the challenge that children are.

How do you balance it all?

You don't want to be a bad parent, you need to make sure there is dinner ready, the laundry is done, the dogs are walked, but, then you want time for you, time for your wife, time to create and time to play. There are so many things that I don't understand those who can juggle it all. I applaud you.

It was easier before. In my down time at work, I could plow through my creative work. Jot down ideas, even write full scenes or short scripts if there was enough down time. Then, I'd get home hang out with Zoey, she'd go to bed, then end the night with my wife.

Now, that's so different. There is no more down time. Maybe for about 2 hours, but, at that point, at least yesterday, I got more hung up on this notion of trying to figure out what I'm going to do, then enjoying it.

To those that can juggle it, how? I think for me it's just a matter of learning to get her to sleep in the prison we call a crib.

I might be handing Zoey off for a half day with my mother-in-law just so I can still get in the creative time I need to maintain my sanity.

For all those that wanted some humor, here it is.

So, this morning, I'm watching a my daily movie while Zoey sleeps on me. I've now managed to add coffee to the mix, which is nice... I really love my coffee.

I'm watching the movie and enjoying Zoey sleeping, it's interesting how much it relaxes me to have her pass out on me, then it hits.

I need to pee, like, not just, the oh, I can hold it type, but, more like the I've just had two cups of coffee, I think I'm going to die kind.

I decide to hold it. Thinking, I can tough this out, mind over matter.

It's not working... it's becoming uncomfortable. I'm stirring in my seat, shifting back and forth all the while trying not to wake her. I look around the room, my now empty mug is looking like a good option right about now... but... I don't do it for sanitary reasons.

Finally, I give it, but, I think, maybe I can keep holding her while I go.

I get to the washroom and realize there is no way in hell this is going to work and it would make me feel some what like a pervert anyways.

I figure, may she'll sleep in her crib.

Give it a shot.


She screams while I run to the washroom.

Maybe next time, I could sit down.

Anyhow, off to feed her some cereal.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So, day 1 has come and passed.

It was really a lot more uneventful that I had expected.

I got away without having to change a poo diaper, and with my past talent, I should be able to escape the dreaded fecal doom.

I did manage to get her to go down for two naps as well, although, not in her crib. Both were on me. The first one was in the morning. I found a great movie to watch, Flame and Citron, so, while walking her around the room, I watched it and got quite into it. It is Danish though, so, I had to read the subtitles.

So, I'm pacing the room with a little bounce in my step and I can hear her nodding off, I'm thinking to myself, alright, this isn't so bad.

She falls asleep.

I think, should I attempt the crib. I don't press my luck, and just try sitting on the couch with her. She stirs, but, continues sleeping.

After about 10 minutes, I'm pretty cramped up, sitting in this strange half slouch and slowly make my way to lying down.

Perfect she stays asleep.

Then, about one minute into me lying down, she shifts and ends up with her head on my neck, forcing me to either stare at the ceiling or the back of the couch.

I chose ceiling, and listen to the rest of the movie, however, not being from Denmark, I understand nothing.

From there, it was a simple rest of the morning. I fed her, changed some diapers and managed to take Zoey, and my two dogs, Reggie and Ellie all for a walk.

Then, nap 2.

This one was a bit rougher. She ate, then became cranky, muttering the dreaded word of, mum.

About 5 minutes into this fussiness, tears are streaming down her face, my shirt is soaked. She eventually cries her self to sleep on my shoulder.

I think, this time, it's a crib attempt.

Instant fail.

She wakes up from her 10 minute sleep and seems to have energy. I pick her up, and the energy turns back into screaming and a river of tears.

She again passes out on me. I put on a movie, in english this time and relax on the couch.

I get through the whole movie, and then she wakes up.

So, all in all, not so bad, but, I did have plans to get some rather important things done today. So, for all those waiting of reading my short script, that will be sent out to the crew once Zoey is in bed.

Lets hope that I can master the crib transfer so that I can actually get some work done over this time off or I may go crazy. I can only play Zoey's bed so many times before some form of insanity hits.

Off to makes supper.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


So, I'm going to be updating this blog everyday once my paternity leave starts, or so I hope. Supposedly babies can prevent you from doing anything you want to do, which is really why I thought I'd start this blog to begin with, to keep my sanity, or at least to have some friends and family enjoy my journey into madness over the next 90 days.

I'm sure if you look deep enough into the baby blocks I picked out as my background, you'll find the words "save me."

During this time, I'll also be trying to complete my third short film and with any luck, working on a new draft of my feature film. (Bring on the development money)

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of meeting my daughter Zoey, she's a cute little girl with more energy than one of those strung out, PCP filled junkies you see on COPS, with the same sporadic movements. Oh, and I get her right when she's becoming more mobile.

Not to mention that Zoey hates sleep, like HATES it and I've never been able to get her to succesfully sleep, other than on me, which makes it tough to get any work done. Me trying to get Zoey to sleep only results in a crying baby sobbing out the words, "Mum, mum, mum..."

Dear Zeus, what have I agreed to.

Prior to this upcoming paternity leave, I was blessed to have my job as her dad limited to entertaining her for an hour here and there, feeding her on occasion and changing the odd diaper. (Pee only) Avoiding a shit filled diaper has become an art for me that I'll now have to leave behind.

I can only thank my wife for being cool with me in my limited role and taking on the majority of the work. But, she's back to work now and as much as she may say she doesn't want to go back to work, I'm sure there is a part of her that is reveling at the idea of me changing dirty diapers, trying to put her down for a nap and keeping up with her endless energy.

Let the chaos begin.